
What site do i go to for free reverse number lookup?

If you are trying to lookup a listed landline you can use whitepages. If the number is private or is a cell phone number, you will have to use a paid site.
I found a site that's cheap and gives accurate information.
I'll leave a link to the site below.
hope this helps...

Source(s):http://www.cell-phone-lookups.info/ reverse phone lookup reviews


What You MUST Know Before Conducting A Reverse Phone Lookup.

“What You MUST Know Before Conducting A Reverse Phone Lookup...”

Published: June 08th, 2009

If you’ve discovered a strange phone number on your cell phone, phone bill, or Called I.D. and would like to find out who owns it, the easiest way to do it is by using a Reverse Phone Lookup Directory. These services make it easy to track down the name and address of almost anyone in no time, with almost zero effort on your part.

You see, the name and address behind every phone number is stored on databases now easily accessible through the internet… and it’s perfectly legal to access this information.
The only difficult part to getting this information is finding a reputable reverse phone directory.
I say "reputable" because sadly there really are just few reverse phone lookup directories on the internet that actually contain complete and accurate information. Many of the "others" will only give you information such as the location of the area code or in some cases... the wrong information all together. Not good!

How do we know? Here at eConsumer-Guide we make it our mission to protect you, the consumer, from wasting your hard-earned money on products and services that just don’t deliver. We've gone to great lengths to put these services to the test... and determine once and for all which of these programs provide the most complete and accurate results…

How programs are evaluated

The way we evaluate each service is simple: We test, test, than test some more. After rigorously testing every reverse phone service we could get our hands on (39 in all), We looked up 100 commercial, residential, cell, and unlisted phone numbers on each (that’s 400 numbers total).

This was the only way we could be sure were bringing you the absolute best on the entire internet. (It's a bold statement, but if you knew full depth of our research you'd understand. We don't reveal all our methods due to the fact that some reverse phone service may actually tweak their systems just to pass our test.)

Our shocking discovery

Not surprisingly, we found that most of the services we tested simply did not provide us with the information that they claimed they would.

The majority of the services gave us little more than the name itself… with some providing only a last name and a list of “possible” first names. These names were often paired with an address that was outdated or incorrect, if that information came up at all.

With claims of being able to provide us with full name, address or company of the individual we looked up, we were sad to see that in most cases after all was said and done, we could have found the same information in the local phone book!

Although most of the services we reviewed fell short of our expectations, we did manage to find a few programs that truly stood out from the crowd. These gave us nearly all the information we were looking for... the full correct name and address of almost all individuals tested on.

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Cell Phone Lookup reviews